Russia Launches Bid to Host Euro 2028

    Image copyright: Uefa/Getty Images [via The Guardian]

    The Facts

    • Russia's soccer governing body on Wed. launched a bid to host UEFA Euro 2028 and 2032 despite its teams and clubs currently being banned from international competitions over the invasion of Ukraine.

    • It rivals Turkey's and a UK-Ireland joint bid to host Euro 2028; while Italy and Turkey have also declared interest in hosting the 2032 edition.

    The Spin

    Anti-Russia narrative

    Sports bans sucessfully increase pressure on Russia over their unjust invasion of Ukraine by delivering a financial and psychological blow. They compromise the image Putin and his allies carefully cultivated of a prosperous and fortified nation.

    Pro-Russia narrative

    Russia has every right to attempt a bid at the UEFA Euro 2028. Sports bans are discriminatory; they're contrary to the principle that international sports should be independent of politics, and they also unfairly harm millions of Russian and foreign fans and sport itself.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    Sometimes money and alliances matter more that human rights: Nobody is blocking Saudi Arabia from sports or from buying Newcastle United, despite their brutal war on Yemen.

    Establishment split



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