Russian Demands Threaten Revival of Iran Nuclear Deal

    Image copyright: CNN

    The Facts

    • Russian officials set a new condition for the revival of the Iran nuclear deal on Sat, demanding that the US provide guarantees that sanctions imposed on Moscow for the invasion of Ukraine will not apply to Russian trade with Iran.

    • Russia – who was a signatory of the 2015 deal alongside the US, Iran, China, Britain, France and Germany – would be responsible for removing and storing Iran's excess stockpiles of enriched uranium, according to diplomats.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    This is unconstructive and an unwelcome distraction this late in the game. Russia's demands are irrelevant and shouldn't factor into efforts for reaching a deal. This agreement is about America's national security interests, as well as Russia's, by ensuring that Iran doesn't have the capacity to develop nuclear weapons.

    Pro-Russia narrative

    Russia is one of the negotiating parties and its requests must be received and fairly considered. Iran's peaceful cooperation with all parties shouldn't be limited by sanctions imposed without even UN approval. Russia and Iran have the right to trade, investment, and military-technical cooperation unhindered by the West.

    Republican narrative

    While the world is focused on the Ukrainian invasion, President Biden is working alongside Russia to enter back into this bad deal which in fact increases Iran's nuclear capabilities and threatens America's national security – not the opposite.

    Establishment split



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