Russian Mogul Charged in Campaign Finance Scheme

    Image copyright: AP [via The Washington Post]

    The Facts

    • Federal prosecutors in Manhattan indicted Andrey Muraviev, a Russian tycoon, for alleged violations of US campaign finance laws dating back to 2018.

    • Muraviev is alleged to have conspired to make $1 million in illegal contributions to state and federal political candidates in the hopes of securing policy decisions favorable to his cannabis-related business ventures.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    This is all part and parcel of the deep-seated corruption of the Trump administration. Muraviev's associates, Parnas and Fruman, were the henchmen helping Trump's "fixer" Rudy dig up dirt on his political opponents by withholding Congressionally-approved aid to Ukraine. Trump was impeached but not removed for those crimes, now Rudy awaits his time in the barrel.

    Pro-Trump narrative

    With corrupt politicians and a corrupt media, will we ever get clarity on US interests with respect to Ukraine? Our law enforcement agencies seem dead set on investigating the crimes of obscure Russian businessmen, but they continue to ignore the corruption of Hunter Biden's Ukraine dealings.

    Establishment split

