Sandy Hook Families Reach Historic Settlement with Gun Manufacturer

    Image copyright: Spencer Platt/Getty Images [via Daily Caller]

    The Facts

    • Families of nine of the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre victims have reached a $73M legal settlement with the maker of the gun used in the attack, Remington Arms.

    • It's the first time a gun manufacturer has been held liable for a mass shooting.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Remington's marketing -- which intentionally targeted young, at-risk males -- was morally reprehensible. This settlement brings some justice to the Sandy Hook families, and should act as a roadmap to other victims of mass shootings.

    Right narrative

    This case was politicized in favour of anti-gun activists -- Remington shouldn't be made liable for Sandy Hook. The settlement sets a dangerous precedent in undermining the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

    Narrative C

    The Sandy Hook families' lawsuit fell under an exception to gun manufacturers' federal immunity - this settlement is unlikely to be widely replicated.

    Political split



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