Saudi Arabia and UAE Leaders Refuse Biden's Phone Calls

    Image copyright: Global Research

    The Facts

    • Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, and Mohamed bin Zayed (MBZ), the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, have reportedly shunned President Biden's phone calls in the wake of the war in Ukraine and his formal ban on Russian oil imports.

    • Saudi Arabia and the UAE are two of the world's most critical oil producers, and the US wants them to increase oil production to dampen the effects of a Russian oil ban and reduce gas prices, which are skyrocketing.

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    Poor relations with Saudi Arabia and the UAE are completely Biden's fault and you can't blame MBS and MBZ for ignoring his calls. Even after the UAE was attacked by Iran-backed Houthi terrorists, Biden failed to support an important American ally, choosing instead to prioritize relations with Iran. He hasn't spoken directly to MBS since taking office.

    Progressive narrative

    The Gulf leaders have shunned Biden because they're unhappy with him condemning their human rights abuses. The Saudis and UAE are playing hard to get in order to extort concessions on the war in Yemen and the killing of Jamal Khashoggi .The president must stand firm; oil prices shouldn't be prioritized over human rights.

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