Sen. Johnson: FBI Slow-Walked Hunter Biden Laptop Investigation

Image copyright: The Daily Mail

The Facts

  • According to Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, new whistleblower claims have alleged that FBI officials obstructed investigations into Hunter Biden's laptop prior to the 2020 presidential election, saying they were "not going to change the outcome of the election again."

  • Johnson, in a letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Wed., stated that due to "numerous credible whistleblower disclosures" the FBI "could not be trusted" to deal with Hunter Biden's laptop.

The Spin

Republican narrative

If these allegations are true, the FBI will lose whatever little faith Americans still had in the institution. Beyond showing judicial favoritism for a sitting president's son, this news shows the lengths to which many high-level government officials went to shield Biden from bad publicity in 2020 and help his election campaign.

Democratic narrative

The right is trying to turn a story about Hunter Biden into one about his father. Besides the obvious fact that these are two completely separate individuals, the case against Hunter may never even come to fruition. Whether charges are brought or not, we should remember that this is a story about Hunter, not the president.

Narrative C

According to a YouGov-Economist poll, 61% of Democrats think it's at least somewhat important to investigate Hunter Biden. While the right has done a good job of making this seem like a partisan issue, the reality is that most Americans are united in wanting the truth surrounding this story.

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