Soros Gives $125M to Democracy PAC Ahead of Midterms

Image copyright: AFP [via the Dailymail]

The Facts

  • Billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros has announced a donation of $125 million to a pro-democracy PAC in the lead-up to the 2022 midterm elections.

  • Democracy PAC, founded by Soros in 2019, will "support causes and candidates, regardless of political party, who share a mission of protecting and strengthening the infrastructure of American democracy."

The Spin

Right narrative

Soros is doubling down on his efforts to help Democrats stay in power despite their low approval ratings and the dismal failures of Soros-backed incumbents whose policies have left America's cities beseiged by crime.

Left narrative

Americans are facing a sustained assault on democratic institutions and the rule of law, and Soros is investing in the people and party that have demonstrated a desire to protect them.

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