Suspect in SC Mall Shooting on House Arrest After $25k Bond

Image copyright: The Daily Mail

The Facts

  • A man arrested following a SC mall shooting on Sat. was released under house arrest after a judge set a $25k surety bond, and will be allowed to return to work with an ankle monitor.

  • The alleged shooter, 22 yr-old Jewayne Price, was booked on suspicion of unlawful possession of a pistol after being questioned by police.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Gun violence is a continuing problem that needs to be addressed. While the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms, it doesn't mean common-sense regulation shouldn't be required.

Republican narrative

While the ongoing gun violence is tragic, the reality is that guns don't kill; people do. Rather than trampling on the Second Amendment, we should focus on toughening up on offenders who use guns to facilitate their crimes.

Cynical narrative

In incidents like these, both the right and left talk extensively about how to prevent these tragedies. But sadly their words don't translate into actions that actually curb the violence.

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