Tesla Unveils Optimus Humanoid Robot

Image copyright: Tesla/AFP/Getty Images [via NBC]

The Facts

  • On Friday, Tesla unveiled a prototype of its Optimus humanoid robot that, for the first time, was able to perform without support. It was seen walking, raising its hands, and executing other basic functions.

  • The robot was revealed at Tesla's AI 2022, with Elon Musk promising to deliver a commercial product that will likely cost consumers less than $20k. While there has yet to be a set timeframe for availability, Musk mentioned that the product could be ready for purchase in 3-5 years.

The Spin

Narrative A

Tesla is failing to meet the standard it set for itself. There was nothing wrong with the Optimus prototype, but there was nothing right with it, either. Based on what was unveiled, Tesla's robot will not make the same industry splash as Musk did with SpaceX and electric cars.

Narrative B

Tesla has secured the best AI talent to build Optimus, and the outlook of this latest venture is promising. A fully functioning robot could increase labor and productivity, potentially changing the economy as we know it. Musk's robot will encompass the same Tesla Vision approach used on its industry-changing cars; why shouldn't Optimus experience the same success?

Cynical narrative

Regardless of whether Optimus is successful or not, the intent behind its production is concerning. This type of technology can completely alter our future and revamp our industries. While this may sound like a good thing, our environment was made by humans for humans, and, in its attempt to fit into our domain, this endeavor could bring more problems than its worth.

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