Businesses Call on Texas to Drop Transgender Children Bill

    Image copyright: The New York Times

    The Facts

    • More than 60 major businesses in Texas have signed onto an advertising campaign to protest the Feb. 22 directive by Gov. Greg Abbott that calls on parents of gender-transitioning minors to be investigated for child abuse.

    • Abbott's order states that procedures such as hormone therapy, mastectomies, and reassignment surgeries that can cause sterilization should be considered abusive.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    The order is a huge legal attack on trans youth. By criminalizing gender-affirming practices, Texan authorities will restrict access to care shown to vastly improve the mental health of patients. Businesses are doing the right thing by standing by the LGTBQ+ community and calling for an end to this discrimination.

    Right narrative

    The Texas Family Code clearly states that harming a child or their development constitutes abuse. Not only do gender reassignment treatments carry many risks, but they are also life-altering. Children cannot provide informed consent, and it's up to the state to protect them.

    Libertarian narrative

    This is just the latest example of Republican politicians interfering with parents' and pediatricians' healthcare decisions. It's an egregious political move ahead of the midterms.

    Political split



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