Texas Minors Need Parental Approval for Birth Control

Image copyright: The Texas Tribune

The Facts

  • Minors in Texas who used to be able to obtain birth control through Title X, a program to provide it free and confidentially, now must obtain their parents' permission while Every Body Texas, the state's Title X administrator, awaits further guidance from the US Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS).

  • This follows last month’s ruling by US District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk that Title X violates parental rights and state and federal law.

The Spin

Right narrative

Under the pretense of protecting minors, Title X impales a political wedge between families, undermining parents' rights to direct the upbringing of their children. The government has no compelling authority to subvert parents and their right to consent, which is just as important as the reproductive health of the minor in question.

Left narrative

There are seemingly no limits to how far Texas officials are willing to go in their assault on reproductive care. With tight abortion restrictions in the state, Title X is an essential source of birth control, and without it, there's no telling the repercussions minors will face.

Go Deeper

Political split