50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland

Image copyright: Getty Images [via The Guardian]

The Facts

  • Residents in Londonderry have marked the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland.

  • A British Parachute regiment shot 14 Catholic protesters dead in the city on Jan. 30 1972 in what became a turning point in ongoing clashes known as the Troubles.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Granting amnesty to Northern Ireland veterans was undoubtedly motivated by a desire to draw a line under the tragic and traumatic events of the Troubles and help all involved move on.

Establishment-critical narrative

The British establishment is closing ranks around those responsible for the brutal murders of civil rights protesters. Subsequent govenment cover-ups and refusals to prosecute are an insult to the victims' families.

Establishment split



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