Toppled Statue of Spanish Explorer in Puerto Rico Restored Ahead of Spanish King's Visit

Image copyright: EPA [via Dailymail]

The Facts

  • A statue of Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León, toppled by protesters in Puerto Rico, was repaired and raised for the arrival of King Felipe VI of Spain on Monday.

  • Ponce de León fulfiled a royal mission to colonize the island in 1508 and became its first govenor.

The Spin

Left narrative

The BFL were right to protest against the visit of King Felipe, who suggested Puerto Rico should be proud of the 'civilizing' influence of Spain, and failed to denounce the disease and forced labour brought on natives by the Spanish Empire.

Right narrative

BLF's vandalism of this cultural landmark should be condemned, as even the Archbishop of San Juan has done. Spain and Puerto Rico have moved on from the dark past of conquest to build a strong diplomatic relationship.

Political split