Trump Docs: Appeals Court Lifts Hold on Classified Records

Image copyright: Associated Press

The Facts

  • On Wednesday, the Atlanta-based 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals granted a request by federal prosecutors to block a lower court's decision to halt the use of classified documents seized from Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence.

  • The three-judge panel agreed with the Dept. of Justice (DOJ), arguing that an injunction that delayed the use of classified material “risks imposing real and significant harm on the United States and the public.”

The Spin

Democratic narrative

The appeals court has demolished the Trump legal team’s rationale and ignored his futile attempts to stop the DOJ investigation. This is a victory for the rule of law and proves that Trump, like every other citizen, has to abide by the rules. No one is above the law.

Pro-Trump narrative

The courts neglected the public interest in getting an independent look at these documents. Instead, they've accepted the DOJ’s word as gold, despite many recent examples of government lies in warrants. The DOJ has been weaponized by Democrats to support shameless campaigning before the November midterms.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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