Trump Endorses Sarah Palin for Congress

    Image copyright: Mary Altaffer/AP [via Business Insider]

    The Facts

    • Former President Donald Trump has announced his support for former Alaska Gov. and VP candidate Sarah Palin as she joins a crowded field of more than 40 candidates in a special election for Alaska's lone congressional seat.

    • The House seat was formerly occupied by the late GOP Rep. Don Young who passed away in March, aged 88, after a 49-yr career in Congress.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Trump's endorsement of Palin is the natural next natural step in the devolution of the Republican Party, which now fully embraces the most unhinged candidates and celebrates their defiance of established norms. Palin started the trend, and now Trump returns the favor.

    Pro-Trump narrative

    As Governor, Palin was a breath of fresh air for Alaskan voters who had endured a spate of scandals. Her experience fighting corruption and heading up fossil fuel and energy commissions make her the perfect foil for the Biden family's fraudulent behaviour and self-imposed energy crisis. No wonder she has secured the most desired endorsement in GOP politics - the support of Donald Trump.

    Narrative C

    Trump can't even endorse Palin without desecrating the memory of John McCain. To keep attacking an American hero and champion of conservative values shows the divisiveness within the GOP.

    Establishment split



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