Trump Files Lawsuit Against New York AG

Image copyright: Getty Images [via Business Insider]

The Facts

  • On Wednesday, former Pres. Donald Trump filed a lawsuit in a Florida state court against New York Attorney General Letitia James in an attempt to block her from obtaining records belonging to the trust that owns the Trump Organization.

  • The lawsuit claims that James' $250M civil investigation into alleged illegal business practices by Trump's company is part of a "war of intimidation and harassment" and a "plot to obtain control" of his organization and wealth.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Donald Trump's desperate attempts to block this investigation have failed multiple times already, and now he's humiliating himself again by thinking a local Florida court has jurisdiction over the NY Attorney General. Trump's charade must come to an end.

Pro-Trump narrative

As the Attorney General of a state dealing with record-breaking violent crime, James' obsession with Trump shows just how corrupt she is. While New Yorkers watch her do nothing to protect them from the real criminals, James is spending her time engaged in a fishing expedition against a former president who doesn't even live in her state anymore.

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