Turkey: Mine Explosion Kills 41, Injures 11

Image copyright: AFP/Getty Images [via CNN]

The Facts

  • An explosion in a coal mine in northern Turkey on Friday has killed at least 41 people and injured nearly a dozen more. Authorities announced on Saturday that they were ending their efforts to rescue any stranded workers that remained in the mine.

  • The blast occurred in a mine located in the Black Seas town of Amasra in Bartin province. According to Turkey's Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Faith Donmez, a fire that broke out following the explosion had been largely brought under control as of Saturday. Rescuers reportedly worked through the night to rescue trapped miners.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

Pres. Erdogan's arrival at the scene of this tragic incident only made matters worse. His implication that a mining disaster that ended innocent lives was an inevitability of working in such a risky industry is unfathomable, ruthless, and uncaring. Erdogan's appearance was purely tactical - an attempt to bolster his image as a politician overhauling Turkey's infrastructure ahead of next year's election in the face of a blistering opposition.

Pro-establishment narrative

The government of Turkey has taken this mining tragedy seriously and seeks to prevent any further risks to workers in the industry. An investigation has been launched and, in addition to his dedicated in-person appearance, Pres. Erdogan has extended his condolences to the families of those killed. An explanation for this tragedy will be found, and this administration will use all available means to make the necessary structural changes so there is no repeat of this disaster.

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