Tx. Gov. Abbott to End Truck Inspections at Two More Border Bridges

    Image copyright: The Texas Tribune

    The Facts

    • On Thurs., Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced agreements with the governors of Chihuahua and Coahuila to end truck inspections at their respective international bridges, in exchange for more security measures on the Mexican side.

    • This comes one day after he reached a similar deal with Nuevo León Gov. Samuel Alejandro Garcia Sepulveda to end inspections on the Laredo–Colombia Solidarity International Bridge.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    Abbott is more interested in stunts that distort Biden's border policies than solving the problem. There's a bipartisan deal to be had on federal immigration reform, but Republicans see posturing and feigned outrage as their keys to victory come election time.

    Republican narrative

    There is a well-established history of the US and Mexico collaborating to solve crises at the border, but Biden has refused to lead, leaving Gov. Abbott to step up to do the president's job for him.

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