UK: Leak Reveals Labour Party's Inner Workings

Image copyright: Bloomberg/Getty Images [via Middle East Monitor]

The Facts

  • On Friday, Al Jazeera published the results of an investigation that showed that unelected officials had been undermining democracy within the UK's Labour Party. Reportedly, party bureaucrats sought to undermine members supportive of Jeremy Corbyn - the socialist leader between 2015 and 2020.

  • The first of three controversial programs on Corbyn's tenure (dubbed "The Labour Files") aired on Thursday. According to the documentary, the vocal critic of Israel and long-time supporter of the Palestinian cause was allegedly targeted by the British establishment, who aided the right-wing press in sabotaging Corbyn's chance of becoming PM.

The Spin

Narrative A

These revelations show the shocking lengths those in the Labour party will go to in their quest for power. Keir Starmer leads a lawless party that has become a criminal conspiracy against its own members. Labour's dirty tactics undermine the very bedrock of democracy in the UK, and are a betrayal of the people. The whole thing is despicable.

Narrative B

Al Jazeera's reporting is nothing more than Corbynista propaganda that cherry-picks information to create a sense of a hidden conspiracy while fuelling anti-semitism. The only thing that will come of this piece is further abuse towards Jews - the real victims during Corbyn's tenure.

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