Ukrainians Granted Temporary Status to Stay in the US

Image copyright: Getty/AFP [via Newsweek]

The Facts

  • Ukrainians living or studying in the US since March 1 or earlier have been designated for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) by the DHS.

  • The status will allow roughly 30,000 Ukrainians to remain legally in the US for an additional 18 months.

The Spin

Left narrative

Unlike the Trump administration, which moved to end several countries' TPS status (only to be blocked by the courts), the Biden administration continues to show its humanitarian urges by offering TPS not just to Ukraine but other countries, like Haiti and Venezuela.

Right narrative

The protected migrants will probably never go home, which is what the pro-migration DHS and pro-business groups want. They're continuing with the runaway economic strategy of extraction migration, which hurts ordinary Americans by cutting their career opportunities and wages, and increasing housing costs,

Political split



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