UN Appeal for Yemen Falls $3B Short

    Image copyright: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images [via Axios]

    The Facts

    • A UN emergency appeal for Yemen raised $1.3B, less than a third of its target of $4.27B, which the UN humanitarian chief has characterized as a "disappointment."

    • Over 17 million in Yemenis face food insecurity and deteriorating conditions.

    The Spin

    Establishment-critical narrative

    While the West sanctions and cuts off trade with Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, it has had no issues continuing relations with Saudi Arabia – no doubt for oil – who has waged this deadly campaign, not to mention the fact it recently executed 81 people. It reeks of hypocrisy.

    Pro-establishment narrative

    This 7 year conflict can only be resolved when the Houthis are forced back to the negotiating table. The US, its Gulf allies, and UN are working together closely to try to bring the fighting to a halt. The Iran-backed rebels are the aggressor in this catastrophe.

    Narrative C

    The war in Yemen, now in its eighth year, is every bit as brutal as what's taking place in Ukraine. The West's failure to address this humanitarian disaster or cover it in the media with any sort of urgency says a lot about its inherent bias and who it considers worthy and unworthy victims.

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