UN Dismisses Debate on China’s Alleged Xinjiang Abuses

    Image copyright: axios

    The Facts

    • On Thursday, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) rejected a Western-led motion to hold a debate on alleged Chinese human rights abuses after a UN report concluded that China's actions against the Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang may constitute crimes against humanity.

    • The motion for a debate was defeated by a vote of 19 to 17, with 11 countries abstaining. A number of the countries that voted "no" were Muslim-majority nations, such as Indonesia, Somalia, Pakistan, the UAE, and Qatar.

    The Spin

    Anti-China narrative

    It's hugely disappointing that this motion was shot down, especially by countries with Muslim populations. The proposal only sought to open a debate about China's abuse and mistreatment of Muslims, and it seems that those who voted against it did so out of fear of losing Chinese economic investment.

    Pro-China narrative

    Though Western nations, specifically the US, love to pontificate about human rights, this is only to serve the West's geopolitical interests. It's quite telling that prominent Muslim-majority countries like the UAE and Qatar chose to vote "no," proving that the developing world is beginning to wake up and challenge Western hegemony over international affairs.

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