UN Report: Global Fire Risk to Increase 50% by 2100

    Image copyright: Josh Edelso/AFP/Getty Images [via Axios]

    The Facts

    • Climate change and land use changes will increase global wildfire risk by 14% in 2030, 30% by 2050, and 50% by 2100 according to a new UNEP report.

    • The report states that wildfires will burn longer and hotter, and impact previously-unaffected areas such as the Arctic.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    This is a roadmap for how we can learn to live with the infernos of the future. We need to help firefighters by spending more on preparedness, sticking to the Paris Accords, and following the examples of wildfire management strategies developed by indigenous communities.

    Narrative B

    Few reading UNEP's report will be around to verify their apparently prophetic visions for the turn of the next century. This report, like everything, comes down to money. The human cost of extreme weather is steadily declining despite UNEP's claims.

    Narrative C

    Aboriginal peoples managed fire risk incredibly well before they were displaced with imperialist land use and fire policies. Not only climate change but also centuries of colonization are to blame for catastrophic wildfires,

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