US Eases Restrictions on Cuba

    Image copyright: AFPTV/Getty Images [via Newsweek]

    The Facts

    • On Mon., the Biden admin. announced new policies to ease travel restrictions to Cuba and restart a family reunification program in an effort to support relations with the country.

    • The new policies will authorize more flights to Cuba, remove the $1k-per-quarter limit on family remittance, and allow non-family remittance to support independent Cuban entrepreneurs, among others.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    This is a step in the right direction that takes a sensible policy approach to Cuban relations. By focusing on engaging directly with the Cuban people and restoring some of the Obama-era initiatives on travel, the Biden admin. is acknowledging the value of positive engagement instead of punitive estrangement.

    Right narrative

    The US already faces a migration crisis with massive influx from Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Mexico, and now the Biden admin. plans to add Cubans to the mix - all in the name of freedom. Ironically, the new policies will actually run counter to this goal; money from "tourism" will only line the pockets of government officials, fortifying the government against those oppressed by the regime.

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