US Ends COVID Test Requirement for International Travelers

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via CNN]

    The Facts

    • As of Sun., international travelers headed to the US no longer need to present a negative COVID test, but proof of vaccination is still required.

    • While the CDC still recommends that travelers test before and after air travel and after exposure to a person with COVID, it claims that scientific data - along with tools to fight infection - show that the mandate is no longer needed.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    We're in a new phase of the pandemic and this move is a logical next step. While previously crucial, effective vaccines and widely available treatments mean the mandate is no longer needed. The decision will encourage tourism and contribute to broader US economic recovery.

    Right narrative

    The testing requirement was always senseless considering the thousands pouring across the southern border without any health checks. While the move is welcome, it must be taken with a grain of salt as the CDC isn't acquiescing its power grab and could easily reinstate the mandate down the road.

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