US Indicts Haitian Gang Leader Over Kidnapping

Image copyright: Police Nationale d'Haiti/ Facebo [via New York Post]

The Facts

  • The U.S. Dept. of Justice on Tues. announced the indictment of a Haitian gang leader for his alleged involvement in the kidnapping of a group of Christian missionaries last year.

  • 16 Americans and one Canadian - including five children and one infant - were abducted on Oct. 16, 2021 while returning from an orphanage east of Port-au-Prince. Their Haitian driver was also kidnapped.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The indictment of a leader of one of the most prominent and dangerous Haitian gangs demonstrates the relentless effort of the US to protect its citizens abroad, and hold criminals like Germine accountable. This is a win for the Justice Department.

Establishment-critical narrative

Despite its considerable influence, the US has yet to mount a concerted, diplomatic push to address the mayhem in Haiti that has resulted from the absence of a legitimate government. While Germine's indictment is a positive step, it's no substitute for vigorous US policy.

Establishment split