US, Israel Sign Joint Anti-Iran Nuclear Pledge

    Image copyright: Reuters [via The Daily Mail]

    The Facts

    • During his trip to Israel and other Middle Eastern states, US Pres. Joe Biden and Israeli PM Yair Lapid on Thurs. signed a joint pledge, known as the "Jerusalem Declaration," to deny Iran nuclear weapons.

    • This comes as, on Wed., Biden said on Israeli TV that he was open to using force to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. He clarified the next day that he still prefered diplomacy.

    The Spin

    Republican narrative

    Words and diplomacy aren't enough to stop Iran. The Abraham Accords, which were championed by Trump, have been a groundbreaking success in creating peace in the Middle East and containing Iran. Biden's naive desire for a nuclear deal with Islamic Republic risks endangering Israel's security and the US's relationship with its Gulf allies.

    Democratic narrative

    Any threat currently posed by Iran would be far worse should it obtain a nuclear weapon. Trump's withdrawal from the 2015 agreement only made that possibility more likely. Making concessions and pursuing diplomacy are necessary in the interests of wider national security.

    Metaculus Prediction

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