Biden Formalizes US Support for Sweden, Finland NATO Membership

    Image copyright: Reuters [via CNBC]

    The Facts

    • On Tues., Pres. Biden signed ratification documents formally endorsing Finland's and Sweden's accession to NATO.

    • This comes a week after the Senate ratified it by 95 to 1, far exceeding the two-thirds majority required and showing bipartisan support for this historic move from the Nordic countries following the war in Ukraine.

    The Spin

    Establishment-critical narrative

    Unless European countries take on more responsibility within the alliance, a NATO expansion - which means more spending, more troops, and more military hardware in Europe - will make the US even more vulnerable. With increased aggression from China, along with a potential war with Russia, the US is at risk of going to war with both countries. America needs to reevaluate its security priorities.

    Pro-establishment narrative

    This approval sends a strong signal to authoritarian leaders that free democracies are willing to fight them to protect their values. More than that, it also strengthens the alliance as Finland and Sweden have powerful militaries and are committed to the 2% GDP defense spending target.

    Metaculus Prediction

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