SCOTUS Overturns Roe v. Wade, Protesters Gather Outside Supreme Court

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via Bloomberg]

    The Facts

    • Following a landmark ruling on Fri. that saw SCOTUS overturn Roe v. Wade, giving states license to ban abortions, demonstrators took to the streets in major US cities, with groups gathering for a second day on Sat. outside the Supreme Court in Washington, DC.

    • The justices' votes were split along ideological lines, with five voting in the majority and three liberal judges dissenting. Chief Justice John Roberts abstained.

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    The Constitution does not, implicitly or otherwise, protect the right to abortion. By handing back the authority over abortions to individual states, SCOTUS is protecting federalism and the unborn from the precedent of an egregious and legally weak law that has damaged US society for almost five decades.

    Left narrative

    This is a catastrophic tragedy for all American women who have now been stripped of their right to bodily autonomy. This ruling confirms the right-wing extremist lurch of a Supreme Court that was so heavily curated by Trump and risks dragging reproductive rights back to draconian levels.

    Metaculus Prediction

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