US Supreme Court to Hear Free Speech/LGBTQ+ Rights Case

    Image copyright: AFP/Getty Images [via Axios]

    The Facts

    • SCOTUS has agreed to hear the case of a prospective web designer who wants to refuse service to same-sex couples.

    • Lorie Smith has not yet started her wedding website business because Colorado law bars her from discriminating against LGBTQ+ clients.

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    Smith is invoking her First Amendment right to religious freedom. Religious entrepreneurs continue to face anti-religion bias because SCOTUS failed to rule conclusively in 2018. The government shouldn't have the power to silence or compel speech; now is the chance to establish clear precedent in favor of religious liberty.

    Left narrative

    The Supreme Court's decision to review this case sets a dangerous precedent for violating the civil rights of LGBTQ+ people. With the conservative supermajority put in place by Trump, the court's ruling could further enable anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination as an act of free speech and religious freedom.

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