US, Taiwan Begin Formal Trade Talks

Image copyright: Reuters

The Facts

  • After unveiling the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade in June, the two nations have agreed to begin talks to reach agreements with "economically meaningful outcomes," as well as discuss China's alleged "economic coercion."

  • The talks - which are set to include issues such as trade faciliation, good regulatory practices, and barriers to trade - are reportedly part of a US effort to "deepen ties with Taiwan." However, Biden's coordinator for the Indo-Pacific region confirmed the US's stance on the One China principle hasn't changed.

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

This trade initiative is economic in nature and not a provocation by the US against China. The US government still recognizes China's legal and governmental sovereignty over Taiwan; any military response from Beijing would be an outlandish escalation on China's part.

Pro-China narrative

This latest move is yet another blatant challenge to the One China policy under the guise of trade cooperation. It's an attempt to limit the island's reliance on the Chinese mainland and expand its so-called international space - a direct threat to PRC sovereignty.

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