US-Iran Nuclear Negotiations in Doha End Without Breakthrough

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    The Facts

    • Indirect talks between Iran and the US again stalled in Doha, Qatar on Wed., with little sign of a breakthrough in efforts to revive the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

    • Following the two-day, EU-brokered talks between Iran's chief negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani and US Pres. Joe Biden's special envoy Rob Malley, the US accused Tehran of raising issues "wholly unrelated" to the JCPOA.

    The Spin

    Republican narrative

    Again, the Biden admin.'s negotiations with Tehran have imploded. This is yet another sign that the president's plan to placate Iran will likely fail, as the Islamic Republic continues to be intransigent.

    Democratic narrative

    Though this week's talks didn't lead to any progress, they aren't the end of negotiations. Iran and the US are both interested in striking a deal regarding Tehran's nuclear program, and with further talks, progress can likely be made.

    Narrative C

    The IRGC has become one of the region's most powerful and dangerous military organizations, training and arming terrorist proxies in places like Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Concessions are only going to embolden this radical organization and lead to further mayhem in the Middle East.

    Narrative D

    Any threat currently posed by Iran would be far worse should it obtain a nuclear weapon. Trump's withdrawal from the 2015 agreement only made that possibility more likely. These concessions are necessary in the interests of wider national security.

    Metaculus Prediction

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