Utah Dems Endorse Independent for Senate

Image copyright: Getty Images [via Business Insider]

The Facts

  • The Utah Democratic Party has voted to endorse independent candidate Evan McMullin in his bid to unseat Republican Sen. Mike Lee.

  • McMullin received a majority of votes cast during a convention on Sat., making him the party's choice to challenge Lee instead of Dem. hopeful Kael Weston.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Lee is deeply entrenched in the MAGA world, and was at the center of efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Utah Democrats are betting that there are enough independent and moderate Republicans in the state who are ready to move on from the divisiveness of the Trump era.

Pro-Trump narrative

Much ado about nothing: Utah is a solid red state and Mike Lee is going to win re-election by a large margin.

Establishment split



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