Watchdog: Trump's DHS Sec. Delayed Report on Russian Election Interference

    Image copyright: Alex Brandon/AP file [via NBC News]

    The Facts

    • Trump's acting Sec. of Homeland Security put a hold on an intelligence report because he thought it would be politically damaging to Trump, according to a report issued by the department's oversight body, the Office of the Inspector General.

    • A DHS whistleblower originally alleged that acting DHS Sec. Chad Wolf quashed efforts to offer intelligence briefings on potential Russian interference in the 2020 election and to focus instead on alleged activities by China and Iran.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    Trump trampled over the Hatch Act in unprecedented and public ways in an effort to try and make it seem as if the office of the Presidency was rightfully his during the 2020 campaign. Now we find out that his admin. was also quietly corrupting the very mechanisms of government that are designed to protect the US and its electoral system.

    Pro-Trump narrative

    Once again, the deep state is trotting out the Russian collusion hoax because they can't wrap their minds around the immense popularity and improbable rise of Donald Trump and the challenge he poses to their corrupt vision of the country.

    Establishment split



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