US White House Proposes Changes to Title IX

    Image copyright: AP [via The Washington Post]

    The Facts

    • The Biden admin. on Thurs. proposed sweeping changes to Title IX that would bar schools from discriminating against transgender students and amend rules about how educational institutions investigate sexual misconduct.

    • Title IX was signed into law by Pres. Nixon in 1972 to expand women's opportunities in athletics and outline how schools in receipt of federal funding handle sexual misconduct cases.

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    The Biden admin. is trying to force its radical agenda on the rest of America. This proposal will remove constitutionally protected rights to due process for students who may be falsely accused of sexual misconduct. These rules shouldn't be finalized.

    Left narrative

    These changes are necessary. It's been too long that the promise of an education free from discrimination has been eroded for victims of sexual assault and harassment, especially for LGBTQ+ students. This is a step in the right direction towards protecting all students.

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