Wisconsin Supreme Court Bans Ballot Drop Boxes

Image copyright: Reuters [via The Wall Street Journal]

The Facts

  • The Wisconsin (WI) Supreme Court voted 4-3 on Fri. to outlaw absentee-ballot drop boxes, ruling that absentee-ballots must either be returned by mail or personally delivered to local election offices.

  • The court also ruled that only the voter may hand-deliver a ballot, barring in-person collection efforts by third parties that critics call ballot harvesting.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

This decision not only complicates what had been a seamless voting process but also adds fuel to election-denying conspiracy theories - undermining free and fair elections under the guise of protecting them.

Republican narrative

This ruling is a win for those who care about maintaining election integrity. A legitimate election must work within the law, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court's decision is rightly enforcing this.

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