Andrew Tate Released From House Arrest

Image copyright: Anything Goes With James English [via Wikimedia Commons]

The Facts

  • On Friday, controversial internet celebrity and male rights influencer Andrew Tate was released from house arrest, winning his appeal in the Bucharest Court of Appeal. Tate is being charged in Romania with rape, human trafficking, and forming a gang to sexually exploit women.

  • The court’s decision now puts Tate and his three co-defendants, including his brother Tristan, under "judicial control" for 60 days, allowing them to leave their homes. However, they can only travel to Bucharest and the surrounding Ilfov County.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

Andrew Tate has been vilified and abused by an establishment that has taken his words out of context to shut down his dissenting message. Not only has Tate been censored, but he and his brother have also been charged and locked up before a trial could even take place. Regardless of the controversy surrounding his speech, Tate has the right to presumed innocence until proven guilty.

Pro-establishment narrative

Tate and his brother — who built a social media empire off of selling misogyny to impressionable young men — exemplify the adage that you ought to believe someone when they show you who they are. The pair have been transparent from the start through their long list of abhorrent words, which no longer appear to be just bluster. They must now be held accountable for their actions.

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