Air Strikes and Rocket Fire Continues Between Israel and Gaza

    Image copyright: Reuters

    The Facts

    • Following the killing of high-level Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) commanders, militants in the Gaza Strip fired barrages of rockets toward Israel on Wednesday, Thursday, and continuing into Friday morning, reaching as far north as Tel Aviv. Israel responded with more airstrikes against what it described as rocket-launching squads and sites operated by PIJ in the besieged strip.

    • Israeli strikes in the Gaza Strip early on Tuesday killed three PIJ commanders and 10 civilians, including at least four children and five women, for which PIJ vowed to retaliate.

    The Spin

    Pro-Israel narrative

    Unfortunately, Palestinian terrorists have sparked another Gaza war. Israel, which has always restrained itself to avoid unnecessary death, will respond aggressively if Palestinian Islamic Jihad attacks Israeli civilians and cities. Those killed in the recent strikes were high-ranking PIJ terrorists, and their elimination was necessary to ensure Israeli security.

    Pro-Palestine narrative

    Yet again, Israel has sparked another ruthless war on Gaza as it seeks to engage in conflict by recklessly murdering Palestinians. Israel not only killed PIJ commanders but their families as well, not to mention an innocent doctor and his family. Emboldened by international silence after killing more Palestinians last year than in any other calendar year since the Second Intifada, the occupation is becoming even more violent.

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