Australia, India Strike Migration Deal

Image copyright: Narendra Modi/Twitter [via Wikimedia Commons]

The Facts

  • On Wednesday, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi announced a bilateral migration deal to boost the two-way mobility of students, graduates, academic researchers, and business people.

  • The India-Australia Migration and Mobility Partnership Agreement (MMPA) wraps up years of negotiations between both countries, as the Indian diaspora has been growing fast in the island continent.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

This new migration and mobility pact further strengthens ties between Australia and India, which are crucial to maintaining regional stability, peace, and global welfare. It will bring both nations closer, helping prevent people smuggling and creating opportunities for businesses and highly skilled students.

Establishment-critical narrative

This deal fails to address Australia's exploitative and discriminatory migration laws. Though the island continent has long been a popular destination among Indians, including skilled migrants, it has consistently denied permanent residency visas for Indian families with members who have a disability, despite them living and working in the country for many years.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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