Brussels on High Alert After Deadly Shootings

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The Facts

  • Belgium is on its highest terror alert after two Swedish nationals were fatally shot and a third person was injured in an alleged terror attack in Brussels.

  • The shooting, which took place near the 50K-capacity King Baudouin Stadium on Monday night, forced authorities to call off Belgium's Euro 2024 qualifier against Sweden at halftime.

The Spin

Narrative A

It's tragic and unacceptable that the two soccer fans were killed as they belonged to Sweden, a nation that values liberty and tolerance. While the full scope of the motive has yet to be ascertained, if it was really a revenge killing against Quran burnings in Sweden, Stockholm must continue protecting free speech in the face of religious hatred and xenophobia.

Narrative B

Stockholm must not allow incendiary demonstrations that provoke terrorists who commit such heinous crimes in the name of religion. This tragic shooting is a shocking act of terrorism, and the string of Quran-burning incidents in Sweden in recent months enraged Muslim communities around the world and fueled an extremist response.

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