China Considers Banning Clothes That 'Hurt Feelings'

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    The Facts

    • The Xi Jinping administration is reportedly considering implementing a law that would forbid a range of behaviors, including dress or speech, that undermine people's spirit or "hurt the feelings of the Chinese people."

    • According to a draft of revisions to its public security law released by the standing committee of the nation's legislature, violators could spend up to 15 days in jail or be fined up to ¥ 5K (US$680).

    The Spin

    Anti-China narrative

    In the name of reforms, Xi Jinping has proposed an excessive and authoritarian law to punish citizens for dissent. In addition, the lack of clarity on what constitutes a "violation" could lead to abuse and infringe on personal rights. The feelings and spirit of a nation aren't fragile enough to be offended by someone wearing "wrong" clothes. The proposed law is just an attempt to penalize those who offend the CCP's sensibilities.

    Pro-China narrative

    Pres. Xi Jinping has led China to reform, develop, and contribute to world peace and development. Under his vision, nearly 100M Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty in just eight years while a project of modernization has been wildly successful. Chinese citizens believe in Jinping's leadership and decision-making as he highly values culture, puts people first, and works toward advancing national rejuvenation.

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