Chinese Chip Maker YMTC Suing Micron

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    The Facts

    • It was revealed this week that Chinese chip maker Yangtze Memory Technologies Co. (YMTC) filed suit Nov. 9 against Micron Technology, accusing the US company of infringing on eight of its patents.

    • A lawsuit filed in the US District Court for the Northern District of California alleges that Micron Technology hasn't paid its fair share to use patented technology owned by YMTC.

    The Spin

    Anti-China narrative

    YMTC, a partially state-owned company that’s much smaller than Micron, has a lot of gall suing for patent infringement, considering the blatant violations of patents carried out by Chinese companies over the years. Of course, any time a US company has sued over these issues in China, the court has sided with the Chinese companies. China should learn that respect for patents starts at home.

    Pro-China narrative

    YMTC’s size doesn’t matter in this case. The company is taking a bold stand for itself and the entire Chinese semiconductor industry against US bullying and patent infringement. The fact that it’s willing to go out on a limb like this and has requested a decision from a fair and impartial jury shows it’s confident it has a solid case.

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