Cluster Munitions Used in Attacks Inside Russia, Regional Governor Claims

Image copyright: Russia's Defense Ministry [via Wikimedia Commons]

The Facts

  • Alexander Bogomaz, governor of the Russian Bryansk region bordering Ukraine, claimed on Wednesday that Ukraine had used cluster munitions in four attacks on the region. He said several homes and outbuildings were damaged, but there were no reports of casualties at this stage.

  • Bogomaz also alleged the weapons were used in an attack on his region a day earlier, again stating that several buildings were damaged, but that there were no reports of injuries.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The decision to arm to Ukraine with cluster munitions was difficult, but one that was necessary given its shortages of regular ammunition. Effectively allowing Russia to take more Ukrainian land and subjugate more of its citizens simply because the country is not sufficiently armed is an unacceptable prospect.

Establishment-critical narrative

When Russia was found to have used cluster munitions, the political and media establishment was up in arms over the devastation the weapons inflict on civilians. We should apply the same moral standard and condemn the use of cluster munitions any time they're used.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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