Cuba: G77 Summit Calls for New Global Order

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    The Facts

    • On Saturday, the two-day Group of 77 and China (G77+China) summit concluded in Havana, Cuba, calling for countries of the Global South to have a more significant say in the global governance system.

    • At the Summit, attended by more than 100 countries, the bloc denounced the current and allegedly "unfair international economic order for developing countries" in a final statement released by Cuba's foreign ministry.

    The Spin

    Establishment-critical narrative

    The G77 Summit is the most recent reflection of the global balance of power shifting in favor of the countries of the Global South. While South-South cooperation is increasing both quantitatively and qualitatively, the West is steadily losing its global influence. The greatest challenge to a more equitable world order is the US' unilateral efforts to defend its hegemonic position and prevent a multipolar world. However, formats such as the G77 and BRICS show that these efforts can't succeed.

    Pro-establishment narrative

    While China emphasizes that it's primarily concerned with a fairer global order and a greater say in the Global South within world affairs, it's clear Beijing uses forums such as the G77 to expand its influence in countries in the backyard of the US. The G77 is another building block to strengthen China's position in the struggle with Washington for future global leadership. However, it remains to be seen whether the bloc has more in common than mere criticism of the collective West's economic and political dominance.

    Metaculus Prediction