Day 317: Frontline Situation Unclear After Russia Declares Ceasefire

Image copyright: AP Photos [via AP News]

The Facts

  • As Russians and many Ukrainians begin to celebrate their Christmas Eve on Friday, the situation on the frontlines remains uncertain after Russian Pres. Putin declared a unilateral ceasefire that lasts 36 hours from midday Moscow time to midnight the following day.

  • Putin's declaration came after Russia's leader of its Orthodox church, Patriarch Kirill, urged participants of the conflict to declare a ceasefire — allowing followers of the Eastern Orthodox faith to celebrate and worship on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. However, Putin's announcement was widely dismissed by Ukrainian, European, and US politicians.

The Spin

Anti-Russia narrative

Putin's hastily announced ceasefire is part of an information war aimed at discrediting Ukrainians. Ukraine could not be reasonably expected to suddenly meet its terms and Putin wants to leverage this to make Ukrainians seem unwilling to cooperate.

Pro-Russia narrative

A hand of Christian mercy was offered to Ukrainians, but this was swiped away. This helps Russians to know who they're dealing with and ensures that future opportunities for deception don't creep in.

Metaculus Prediction

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