EU's Frontex Wins Case Over Syrian Migrant Family

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    The Facts

    • EU’s border protection agency, Frontex, has won a landmark case as a Luxembourg-based EU court ruled that the body doesn’t owe damages to a Syrian man and his family who were deported from Greece before his asylum application was processed.

    • The EU General Court stated that Frontex — formally known as the European Border and Coast Guard Agency — only provides technical and operational support to the member states, thus not being liable for any damage.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    This decision is a massive blow to human rights groups and asylum seekers fleeing war-torn countries. Under international law, everyone has the right to seek asylum, and Frontex’s own code requires the agency to ensure the human rights of people under its care. There needs to be more accountability for Frontex, and it cannot be allowed to deport migrants with impunity.

    Right narrative

    Open borders NGOs and activists are trying to undermine European sovereignty with lawsuits and smear campaigns. As thousands of migrants are being smuggled across the Mediterranean into Europe, there must be a patrol force to stop this practice. Europeans don’t want an endless stream of unvetted migration, and those abusing the migration system must be held accountable.

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