Florida Republicans Propose Abortion Ban After Six Weeks of Pregnancy

Image copyright: Floridapolitics

The Facts

  • As the state Legislature's 2023 session kicked off on Tuesday, Florida Republicans filed legislation to impose a six-week abortion ban. Gov. Ron DeSantis has said he would sign the bill if it reaches his desk.

  • The proposed restrictions on abortions would have exceptions in the cases of rape and incest — if a pregnant woman is able to prove she has been a victim of either, she would have up to 15 weeks to abort the fetus.

The Spin

Right narrative

Florida’s proposed bill to limit abortions to six weeks is a huge win for the right to life and will help save thousands. There is no denying that a child is living in the womb, as a baby's heartbeat can be detected at just six weeks. Florida’s proposal will help ensure the protection of the most vulnerable and innocent among us.

Left narrative

Florida and its autocratic governor continue to show that they have absolutely no regard for women’s rights. The proposed abortion ban would introduce restrictions so early on that many women would not even know that they are pregnant in time to exercise their reproductive rights. This law is extreme and cannot be allowed to take effect in America.

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