Former New Mexico GOP Candidate Arrested Over Shootings

Image copyright: businessinsider

The Facts

  • Solomon Peña, a former candidate for New Mexico’s legislature, was arrested Monday for allegedly paying, and conspiring with, four men to shoot at the homes of four political opponents — two state legislators and two county commissioners.

  • Peña, a Republican who lost the race for New Mexico House District 14, has been accused of being the mastermind behind the shootings, which targeted the homes of Democratic politicians between December and January.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Baselessly claiming election fraud has now reached a critical point where "extreme MAGA Republicans" are resorting to violence against their political opponents — an extremely devastating development. If elected officials now have to fear literal gunfire, this is a blow to democracy, and the GOP is to blame.

Republican narrative

The justice system exists for a reason, and if Peña has orchestrated this horrible string of crimes, he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The GOP strongly condemns all forms of violence.

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