King Charles Launches Food Security Project

    Image copyright: ax Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • King Charles, who turned 75 Tuesday, announced he wanted to use his birthday to shine the spotlight on a good cause, to officially launch the Coronation Food Project to address waste and food poverty.

    • Charles’ project's main objective is to provide 200M meals to undernourished people in the UK.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    The rising cost of living has put millions of Britons at risk for food insecurity. In an effort to raise awareness, King Charles has been planning the Coronation Food Project for months, using his 75th birthday to highlight the problem of food waste and hunger. King Charles is an outspoken campaigner on environmental issues and has spent his adult life working toward a sustainable economy.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    In a week when the former home secretary, Suella Braverman, described homelessness as a "lifestyle choice," King Charles suspiciously launched a new campaign to combat homelessness and food insecurity. Millions of Britons live with food insecurity in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis at a time when the government is plotting yet more welfare cuts.

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