Myanmar: Junta Announces Strict Election Law Ahead of Polls

Image copyright: AFP [via Al Jazeera]

The Facts

  • Myanmar's military junta published on Friday a tough new law on political parties that replaces a 2010 legislation and bars parties and candidates deemed unlawful or allegedly linked to those committing terrorist acts.

  • This comes as the country's leader Gen. Min Aung Hlaing announced that elections will be held in August this year in accordance with constitutional provisions after the end of the military-imposed two-year emergency period.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

This legislation was brought forward to favor the military's proxy Union Solidarity and Development Party in the upcoming nationwide rigged election. It will likely be the last nail in the coffin of Myanmar's political parties, effectively dissolving the National League for Democracy and other existing ones.

Establishment-critical narrative

This new law is necessary as it prevents political parties violating the constitution from being able to register. It also propels them to join forces to increase their representativeness as Myanmar prepares to hold a free and fair election this year.

Establishment split